Thorchain Ledger

Thorchain now on Ledger Live to provide native assets swap

Thorchain, a decentralized liquidity protocol, has launched on Ledger Live. Users can now swap native assets directly through their Ledger wallets. This integration claims to boost security by supporting cross-chain swaps without needing wrapped tokens or losing control of assets. With Thorchain’s decentralized system, users can securely swap assets like Bitcoin for Ethereum within the Ledger app.

  • Thorchain now supports native cross-chain swaps through Ledger Live.
  • Users retain full control of their assets, avoiding wrapped tokens.
  • Security is enhanced through trust-minimized, decentralized technology.

Unlike traditional swaps that rely on intermediaries and wrapped assets, Thorchain enables the direct exchange of native cryptocurrencies. Ledger Live, known for securing digital assets, now offers this feature, making the user experience safer and simpler. For those familiar with Thorchain, this collaboration expands its use case, as Ledger is one of the most trusted hardware wallet providers.

As Ledger Live continues to integrate more features, users can expect further developments that enhance non-custodial, cross-chain swaps, pushing this technology closer to mainstream adoption.

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