crypto musk trump

Bitcoin and crypto not mentioned in Musk-Trump conversation

During a Monday evening interview with X CEO Elon Musk, former President Donald Trump did not address bitcoin (BTC) or crypto.
The conversation, which spanned over two hours, touched on various subjects such as illegal immigration, the economy, AI, and global warming.

The interview, which drew in over a million listeners, experienced a delay of more than 45 minutes due to what Musk described as a “massive [distributed denial of service] attack on X.”

A report from The Verge cast doubt on this claim, with a source telling the publication that there was a “99 percent chance Musk was lying” about the attack. Additionally, an alert from the cybersecurity watchdog organization Netblocks noted that X Spaces was facing international outages but did not confirm whether these disruptions were caused by a DDoS attack.

Betting website Polymarket had seen bettors give a 65% chance to “crypto” being mentioned during the interview with over $600k staked. Unfortunately for the majority of the bettors, that was not to be.

This also feeds to the narrative that perhaps crypto is not that big a topic for the elections as the people in the industry are making it to be.

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