Hackers have targeted the X accounts of Lara and Tiffany Trump, posting deceptive links to sham crypto projects. The official X accounts were compromised on September 4th, with the hackers promoting fake blockchain addresses for the upcoming World Liberty Financial (WLF) project. Eric Trump, Lara’s husband, confirmed the breach in a now-deleted post, urging users to avoid interacting with the posts. World Liberty Financial also issued a warning, advising followers not to click on any links or purchase tokens shared from the compromised profiles.
- The hacks promoted a fake token linked to the Trump family’s upcoming DeFi project, World Liberty Financial.
- Eric Trump stated that the accounts were quickly locked down after the breach.
- The hacks underscore the risks associated with crypto projects and the importance of vigilance.
The World Liberty Financial platform is intended to be a DeFi borrowing and lending protocol, with plans to issue a governance token on Solana. The project has garnered significant attention within the crypto community, although it has also become a target for hackers. Nic Carter, a partner at Castle Island Ventures, warned that the project could be a prime target for those seeking to undermine Trump’s political ambitions, especially given the vulnerabilities of DeFi protocols. Despite the risks, the platform has already attracted a substantial following, with over 219,000 subscribers on its Telegram group. As Trump continues to position himself as a supporter of the crypto industry, the success or failure of this project could have significant implications for both his political career and the broader crypto landscape.